Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Grunge meets Pretty OTP

Time for a trip down memory lane - waaaaayyyy down memory lane.

I have a couple of the old telephones from way back - remember them? Can just imagine my mum and dad sleeping out the night before in the queue - waiting for the new phones to be released by the the Postmaster General (antique reference there for all you OLD Australians) ...

Anyway, as I was saying, I have an old phone - and I couldn't decide what style to create with it so...  I decided to let loose my creativity muse and did both styles in the one project!

First, I attacked the phone with a hammer, (which is great for releasing the tension of dealing with the "idiots" who took 2.4 weeks to reconnect my internet), but is not so good at convincing the new neighbours that we are nice, quiet people!  (ok - so there is a plus side to that - since I was able to create without the computer distracting me!)  

Then I set to work adding cogs, mists and sugar beads to the exposed inner workings of the phone. When they were all grungy and steampunkified (is that a word? if not it should be) I painted and stamped the outside of the phone, glued on some felt and then added some floral and butterfly pretties to the "completed" project.  

Operator - I need a line ...

Now I have a totally wicked stand for my mobile phone.  All I have to do now, is to remember to put it where it belongs - so I don't spend ages looking for the damn thing!

One of the main items used in creating this OTP was our white felt butterflies and flowers ribbon.  

Think outside the square and cut it up to use individually here and there, so that you have small snippets of it sitting behind the other embellishments.

For the embellishment cluster in the centre of the "dial", I started my layering with some muslin, added one of the frames and butterfly ornaments from our Sweet Purity "Wings and Things", Collection, some cut up felt ribbon and finished it all off with some stamens and blue roses.

Our Brilliant Blue Flutterbies were the perfect complement to blue and white colour scheme of my phone-rest.  More blue flowers and our silver leaf charms added whimsy to the soft, romantic half of the phone.

Here you can see the cut up felt ribbon pieces - centered with roses and a piece of muslin tucked in behind them.

Back to the grungy side of the phone.  Leaving the original bits inside, I added some of our cog and computer charms, an angel wing and key charm, and a smattering of our bronze clock charms. It's probably a bit hard to see them all from the photos, due to the attack of blue and black mists I gave the phone 'innards'!


Got a spare antique phone lying around the place?
You too can have a unique phone rest for your mobile phone. ;)

ALL OUR FELT RIBBON IS CURRENTLY HALF PRICE and the my2angels DT have been busy creating to bring you lots of ideas in the coming days.

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