Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's all about FELT

It's Felt Week at my2angels

and to kick start off the week we have

30% off all FELT

until 21st July

Are you one of those scrappers saying... “Felt – that’s so yesterday”?

Some scrappers don't use felt, because it isn't considered trendy, but heck, if it is easy on the budget, easy to use and looks good - then why not?

Other scrappers think that it is boring and limited in how you can use it.

Many scrappers don’t use felt because of past bad experiences: backing paper not coming off; it doesn't stick down properly; or it sticks to everything in sight, including itself.

Whichever category of scrapper you fall into - read on – because we have some felt tips for you....

I was talking to a scrapper the other day, who has been around for a few years and is pretty well known and was surprised when she told me that she has difficulties sticking down felt ribbon and it had turned her off because it sticks to each other before she can get it onto her layout OR it goes wonky ... BUT when I heard that she takes ALL the backing paper off the felt first then tries to apply it to her layout I was surprised!  I thought everyone did it the same way as me ... so if you have been turned off using any type of felt because of the above then watch on ... its pretty simple :)

(this is also how I apply my rhinestone words and shapes)

4 simple words ... PEEL AS YOU GO

If you have difficulty getting started when peeling away the backing paper .... here is an easy and reliable method.

It just goes to prove the old story that whilst some things may be obvious to you, they may not be so obvious to others! I hope these tips have helped :)

as long as you apply the above simple techniques ...

I am going to kick start the week off with our white scalloped felt frame

Being white - it’s a truly versatile frame. With all the different colouring/textural mediums out there – it takes no time at all to colour your frame to suit a particular photo or paper range.

Here are a few that I have played with...

And here is what I have made ....

Adding a butterfly from the felt ribbon with a pink rose in the centre

Love the effect of the Silver Zing Embossing Powder.  I dabbed emboss it clear ink pad, here and there, over the watering can, for a random effect

Where is all the felt ribbon I hear you ask?
Well this is what it looked like before I started adding the explosion of flowers

I also a few bookmarks to match, individually cutting up a few of the flowers from the ribbon and adding some daisy charms

And a birthday card...

plus - as always - our wonderful silver charms ... daisy, heart locket and key
all finished off with our peach gardenia

The front of the card is our frame with an acetate backing.  Starting off by cutting out a square from the front of the card, the same size as the inside of the frame
then cut away approx 1cm of the backing paper from the frame all the way around (as the picture has started to show) place your acetate onto the "cut" area then attach your frame to your card

Close up of card

now thinking outside the frame ...

Your photo doesn't have to be inside the frame, here I placed it on top of our frame

and lastly this layout, 

I LOVE this photo so I didn't want too much on the layout to take away the focus from the photo

Scrapware hinge "holding" the photo frame up!

The Prima Paper I used, were mainly pink flower dominated, so with my purple gel pen I coloured in a few flowers and highlighted some with light purple rhinestones

Hope this has given you some new ideas of using our white scalloped frames

back in a few days with ideas for our black frames


  1. Oh this is gorgeous stuff, I love my frames and Trace did you notice one on my latest layout on my blog, so versatile and I have never had any trouble with the sticking down of it, super easy, they are so versatile. Melx

  2. Oh, I love what you've done with the frame on the flower card! Such a cool idea to put acetate behind it. Aren't you a clever chook.
