Saturday, August 7, 2010

Scrapping Relay Update

After some discussion we have decided instead of uploading the criteria at midnight we will be uploading it the night before at 7pm giving you extra time to prepare, and also since the weather and lighting conditions aren't always kind to us later on in the day.

So to confirm the new upload time will be 7pm each night and you must complete your birthday layout before the following day at midnight

So ...Monday Team criteria will be uploaded at 7pm Sunday
Tuesday Team criteria will be uploaded 7pm Monday
Wednesday Team criteria will be uploaded 7pm Tuesday
Thursday Team criteria will be uploaded 7pm Wednesday
and Friday Team criteria will be uploaded 7pm Thursday

I will be back here Sunday night at 7pm to reveal the teams, your days allocated and the FIRST criteria for team one

There is still time if you want to join in - cut off won't be till 3pm Sunday

See ya soon