Thursday, November 5, 2009

Journalling Tag Swap

Aussie Girls Gone Scrappin has finished their first swap, and today I receive these gorgeous journaling tags in the mail.

And here are my ones I sent to the girls using coordinations cardstock, black and grey flower, love engraved felt heart, love charm and thread.

Details of the next swap will be posted this weekend

And the last word goes to my DS who announced tonight that he is going to save so much money when he is older. Why I asked him? Because I don’t like butter and margarine, I save power (he is always turning off light etc), I won’t smoke and I won’t drink – then he finished it off with ... well I won’t drink until I have kids!

I have no idea where he would have got that idea from!


  1. PMSL at the wont drink till he has kids!!!

  2. Ha ha ha that is priceless. Kids say the funniest things.
    Beautiful tags.

  3. pmsl @ Mark, what a crack up.... what gives him the idea that kids make ya turn to 'the drink' lol... it reminds me of my 16 yr old son Alex who told me he wanted to be an 'enterpreneur' i asked him if he knew what it was, he said 'no but they make lots of money and it sounds good' lol

  4. Gorgeous Tracy, kids are funny at times hey Luv Shaz xoxo
