Monday, October 19, 2009

Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous

OMG have you ever seen such gorgeous flowers???

A few close ups

They arrived today along with these stunners

I am in denial about a certain event coming up – starts with “C” but if you aren’t how great are these for your C layouts and C cards ….

Oh and if you haven’t got any of our stemmed flowers – silly silly you – these new ones arrived today as well

and lastly a restock of our bulk flower packs

Thanks for looking I am off to have a play with these flowers - hmm which ones to use first???


  1. You have got to stop buying all these beautiful items for our scrapbooking. The decision is so hard on what ones to buy. Considering the hydrangeas are not my favourite flower these are beautiful. I might have to come over and do some packing and slip a few into my bag!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

  2. Wow some beautiful flowers there Tracy xx

  3. omg i want, i want, i want, them all, better wait til im not so broke lol...............or i may come down and visit you and steal some lol. no seriously im definitely going to get these in my next order

  4. Oh wow! These are gorgeous Tracy. I love all of them :)

  5. These are just super delicious! Pity I have so many flowers in my stash or I would have to go out and buy some them...Thanks for the nice comments about my sneak peak last night....The full LO is up on my blog Luv Shaz xox

  6. These flowers look divine! xxx

  7. Oh dear ! Think I just died and went to heaven ! Those flowers are just divinge !! How do you choose lol xx Tina

  8. Im back I had to order some of those stunning!! XXjs
