Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I am like a child on Christmas Eve

Yip I am so fricken excited ... off to Brisbane tomorrow (not that isn't anything to get excited about .. going on the train at 6.30am in the morning, is the sun up at that time?) oh the exciting part is what I am going to do when I get there. I am attending classes with Lance Anderson, the owner of Rusty Pickle. Yip he is teaching two jam -packed classes using some of Rusty Pickles’ latest releases. And as well as Lance’s classes we get to do a bonus class, using the new Making Memories ‘I Do’ Range and images cut from the yet to be released Wedding Slice Cartridge. And wait there is more we also get to play with a brand new product from an exclusive new line to be released at these classes!

We will also be going home with completed projects that are ready for me to upload on the web. Holy cow I am excited. Doesn't take much does it LOL

So if you do email me tomorrow I won't be answering you na na na na cause I'm not here LOL

Must get away and get my photos and stuff ready for my early morning rise

See ya Thursday
Take care


  1. Have fun Trace! I know you will. Just make sure you bring back some inspiration for all of us.....LOL

  2. !!! Have fun darl'and dont forget to share those projects!!!! Have a safe trip


  3. Have an awesome time at your class Tracy!

  4. You are going to have a full on day with Lance but his classes are worth it I have been doing his classes for the last 3 years and they rock. Joy from Bumble Bee is lovly you will have a wonderful day. I am doing one of Lance's classes again this Sunday in Melbourne can't wait to see what you do

  5. WOW Tracy you sound like your days are planned at the Convention...You have lots of inspiration for us to see when you post it on here!

    I am supposed to be coming too, but during the night I have come out in hives!!! Don't know what to do! Go and see the DR's at 8am and see what they think??? OMG I was so Fricken excited too yesterday, last night before I started to itch and itch! Luv Shaz xoxo

  6. Well my dear.... its now Thurs arvo and where are your layouts....we want to see what you did in the workshops !!
