Thursday, March 26, 2009

Acrylic Mushrooms and Owls have arrived also

I should have waited one day before uploading yesterdays post so I could do it all as the one, but no, cause I am so impatience and have to rush these things, and now I have to repeat myself.

TODAY, I received my order of acrylic owls and fairy throne mushrooms which will obviously go with the charms that arrived yesterday!!! So here is a photo of them all together.

Also new arrivals of acrylic are mirror love and kisses, cute little houses and an awesome black car.

New chipboard that arrived as well are from buzz and bloom mini series alphabets. I went with these ones as you get 2 of each letter and some of them can be reused eg the "g" in the 70s alphabet can be used as an "a" by cutting the tail off.

and then we have the frills borders (I can see some doodling happening on these) and the leaves which could replace flowers on a boys layout.

I know I had more arrived but can't think right now (when do I ever!) but they are all listed under chipboard or acrylic on the site.

I have been waiting a week for these be mine love chipboards to arrive so I can finish a layout using them. So I am off to do that and leave you with this thought of the day ...

Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?

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