Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Too often I sit armed with photos and a blank piece of cardstock just waiting for a miracle. You know when you have intentions of creating a work of art but then when its time to start - nothing! Well I discovered my miracle YEAH HA sketches - oh man how much easier is it when someone who is very clever creates a sketch and you just just go from there. As long as you have the photos, some of the hard work is taken off you. See below the following sketch, it took me under an hour to create the page and in all my excitment of completing the page so quickly, I can't remember where I got the sketch from and I know its a November Sketch Challenge for a competition. Oh well at least I have 25 days to track down the location.

As always all the products used, except the pattern paper and black & white ribbon used to tie our pendant, can be found on our website
There are so many sites with sketches, just searched for scrapbooking sketches on the net to get a huge list.

Another miracle may happen and I might create some sketches and upload them to the blog. But first I gotta find that sketch comp.

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